Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First Steps

This is it; my first ever blog entry. Truth be told, those who know me are shocked that I haven't blogged before as much as I do so love the high horse that I sit upon when I talk about my profession and I do so love to talk. I have refrained for various reasons but have finally decided to take the plunge and make myself a blog home.

I decided to title my blog Mother Recruiter because it truly encapsulates the essence of who I am. I can't turn off being a recruiter when I meet people who need a recruiter's assistance and I cannot turn off being a mother when I'm recruiting. My candidates over the years have expressed their appreciation for my attention and my sincere concern for their experience in their job search. Likewise, my hiring managers (clients) have expressed their appreciation for my attentive assistance throughout their search. Both candidates and hiring managers appreciate the fact that I am honestly interested in their getting exactly what they want.

I am betting everything that I own - and some that I've borrowed - on the idea that the goodwill that I generate through my every day business dealings will reward me with a successful business. I have such great plans for my business and for the people who are working with me.

This concludes my first ever entry. In the next one, I will be firmly atop my high horse. From there I will step deftly between high horse and soap box, with an occasional foray into speculation territory.

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